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weight support中文是什么意思

用"weight support"造句"weight support"怎么读"weight support" in a sentence


  • 重锤支架
  • "weight"中文翻译    n. 1.重量;体重;求心力,重力,(地心)引力。 2. ...
  • "support"中文翻译    vt. 1.支承,支撑;支持;支援,维护。 2.援助;拥 ...
  • "oscillating weight support" 中文翻译 :    锤板
  • "in support" 中文翻译 :    后备
  • "in support of" 中文翻译 :    考虑到这种情况; 维护…;支持…;证实…; 以便支持; 以便支援; 支持, 支援; 支持,拥护; 支援;支持;拥护
  • "support" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.支承,支撑;支持;支援,维护。 2.援助;拥护,赞助。 3.扶养,赡养(家属);资助,维持。 4.鼓舞,激励。 5.忍受,忍耐。 6.证明,证实。 7.【戏剧】扮演(角色);配,为…担任配角;【音乐】为…伴奏。 support towns with electricity to 向城镇供电。 I can't support this heat. 我忍受不了这样的热度。 The speaker was supported on the platform by the mayor. 演讲人在讲台上有市长陪着。 support a family 养家活口。 support oneself 自谋生计。 n. 1.支持,维持;支持者;支柱,支座,撑体;桁架。 2.扶助,援助;鼓励;拥护;赞成,赞助。 3.抚养,赡养;生计,活计,衣食;赡养费。 4.【军事】支援部队,预备队;【音乐】伴奏(部);【戏剧】助演(者),配角。 a support of the state 国家的栋梁。 Price supports 〔美国〕(政府给农民的)补助金。 enlist the support of 争取(某人的)支持。 give support to 支持,支援。 in support of 支持;支援;拥护。 adj. -less
  • "support for" 中文翻译 :    对……的支持
  • "support in" 中文翻译 :    碰网柱好球
  • "by the weight" 中文翻译 :    按重量付钱
  • "by weight" 中文翻译 :    按重量装填; 重量计量进料
  • "not weight" 中文翻译 :    级外级
  • "of weight" 中文翻译 :    重量证书
  • "the weight" 中文翻译 :    重量
  • "weight" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.重量;体重;求心力,重力,(地心)引力。 2.斤两,分量,衡,计重单位。 3.(压东西的)重物。 4.砝码,秤锤,秤砣。 5.重担,重压;负担,重任。 6.重要性;影响力,势力。 7.【统计】权,加重值,权重,重要度。 8.(合于季节的衣料的)重量,厚薄。 9.拉弓所需的力。 10.【赛马】马应负载的重量〔包括马鞍、骑师等〕。 11.(拳师、摔跤手等的)体重级别。 a paper weight 镇纸。 a pound weight 一磅重的秤砣[砝码]。 a man of weight 重要人物,有势力的人。 a suit of summer weight 夏服一套。 by weight 论重量(卖等)。 carry great [no] weight 极[不]重要,极受[不受]重视。 gain [lose] weight 体重增加[减少]。 give short weight 骗秤头,克扣斤两。 have weight with (sb.) 对(某人)有影响。 pull one's weight 尽自己的本分〔见 pull 条〕 put on weight 体重增加,发胖。 throw one's weight about 大摆架子;作威作福,仗势欺人。 under the weight of 在…的重压下,迫于…。 weight empty 空重,皮重;空载。 weights and measures 度量衡。 vt. 1.在…上加重量,把重量放在…上。 2.使负担,装载;使负重担,装载过重;折磨,压迫。 3.在(织品、丝等内)搀重晶石(等)以增加分量。 4.【统计】使加权,附加加重值于。 5.视…为重要,强调。 weighted with 因…加重;因…烦恼。 adj. -less 无重的;失重的。 n. -lessness 失重。
  • "weight by weight" 中文翻译 :    重/重
  • "weight in weight" 中文翻译 :    有效组分在100克溶液中的克数; 重量重量比
  • "centre support intermediate support" 中文翻译 :    第三支撑; 中心支撑
  • "distance of tray support to support" 中文翻译 :    塔板支座间距
  • "life support life support" 中文翻译 :    生命维持器
  • "code weight; hamming weight" 中文翻译 :    码重
  • "gain weight=put on weight" 中文翻译 :    增肥
  • "gaining weight putting on weight" 中文翻译 :    增加体重
  • "initial weight; original weight" 中文翻译 :    初重
  • "landed weight; landing weight" 中文翻译 :    到岸重量
  • "packed weight (gross weight)" 中文翻译 :    毛重


  • Weighted support vector machines for classification and its application
  • The effects of body weight support treadmill training on hemiplegic gait after stroke
  • Weighted support vector machine based classification algorithm for uneven class size problems
  • Effect of partial body - weight support and treadmill training on lower extremities functional of subacute stroke patients
  • With your weight supported on your right foot , turn to the right to 10 oclock , and cross your left hand , palm in , over your right wrist , palm out . 2 . separate your hands , each making a downward circle with the palms tilted down
  • Such weighted support vector machines improve classification accuracy for class with small size at the cost of accuracy reduction for large size class , and can be applied to the case of regarding small sort of classification accuracy , such as fault diagnosis
    ( 3 )针对某些支持向量机算法不能解决样本类别之间差异造成的不良影响的缺陷,提出了一种新的加权支持向量机算法,该算法具有补偿类别差异的优点,可应用于解决多类别分类问题。
  • This paper proposes weighted support vector machine algorithms based on the analysis of the cause of such problem , and this algorithm overcomes the drawback which standard support vector machine algorithm ca n ' t deal with each sample flexibly and compensates for the unfavorable impact caused by this bias
    通过比较它们各自的优缺点等情况,为提出新的支持向量机算法做了理论准备。 ( 2 )介绍了超球面支持向量机算法的思想,以及超球面和超平面的区别。
  • Based on the pilot studies on the evaluation index system and the method of sustainable development on loess plateau , this paper has designed the structure frame of the index system including three types of index including one advanced comprehensive index - the comprehensive index of sustainable development , five basic indexes and thirty element indexes , the analytic hierarchy process which can be used to calculate the sustainable development index weight supported by entropy technology . the model can be used to evaluate the sustainable development of loess plateau comprehensively integrated by mathematical method such as compositive appraisement method of hierarchy multilayer 、 main component analytical method 、 regression analytical method and so on . pilot study on the index system has been carried out on the leoss plateau of the northern shaanxi , and the results is promising
    通过对黄土高原可持续发展评价指标体系和方法的初步研究,设计出了包括1个高级综合指标- -可持续发展综合指数、人口状况等5个基本指标和人口自然增长率等30个元素指标的层次性指标体系结构框架,熵技术支持下确定可持续发展指标权重的层次分析法,以及由递阶多层次综合评价、主成份分析和回归分析等数学方法所集成的可持续发展全面综合评价模型,并以陕北黄土高原为例进行了具体的应用分析与评价。
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